What I Discovered AFTER Posting for 90 Days on LinkedIn

You will glimpse what I discovered after posting for 90 days on LinkedIn.



[1:30] The one trick I used to make daily posting easier

[2:30] How to diligence helped me with daily posts

[3:00] What to do on the weekends that helped me with the daily posts during the week

[3:40] Tools to use to post daily

[4:40] The time of day to post daily was the best


Here are the lessons I learned:

Let’s get this party started and figure out what I have learned over the last 90 days by posting daily on LinkedIn. I define daily as in Monday through Friday.

Lesson #1

First, I would say it was not as hard as I made it up to be in my mind. You know how sometimes you just think it’s gonna be tougher, and you give yourself all these reasons and I just said, “The only way I’m gonna figure this out is to take action.”

It was harder at first, but as with anything, I started to find a rhythm and figure out how to make it work.

Lesson #2

And one of the ways I found to make it work was I decided to kind of create a theme for the week, and that way, I could create three to five posts around that theme and it was much easier.

These posts are text posts and they are probably anywhere from five to 15 lines of length. They included short sentences, incomplete sentences, thoughts, but just enough to provoke some information. Get people thinking.

Having that theme definitely helped because every day, I was coming up with a new idea. So I had to come up with a theme, then it was much easier to create an idea with some guidelines to help direct me

I have quite a lot of content that I’ve created throughout the years, so I just went back to that and figured out how to break it down. It wasn’t as hard as I thought and it really taught me to group my themes.

Lesson #3

I learned to be more diligent and specific about my topics. I wanted to take women on LinkedIn on a little bit of a journey and walk them through a process and keep them to certain areas that would make sense for them. These are some of what I discovered after posting for 90 days on LinkedIn.

When I first started out, I talked about the benefits of being a thought leader and then how to be a thought leader.

Lesson #4

I also started drafting some content on the weekends. Even just a couple lines for each post, and I didn’t plan everything out.  I left some room if there were additional topics that also inspired me, or I wanted to talk about or trends.

But I did have an idea. So every weekend, I would put together kind of an idea of what I wanted to talk about the upcoming week and just draft out a couple areas of ideas that I could put together.

Lesson #5

One of the other things I learned was I needed to be more purposeful with my tools.

I had ideas but I needed a tool that was web-based that I could access from my laptop, my tablet, or my phone, depending on where I was at, when I was inspired and when it hit me. I carry my notebook around a lot, but my phone is with me a little more.

I decided to use Google Keep. It’s Google’s version of their note-taker, it’s like Evernote … well, it’s similar to the other tools like Evernote, OneNote, and so, just find the tool of your choice. I do recommend that you do a cloud-based, so whenever you’re inspired, it’s there.

And just using that tool to make sure I captured the ideas really helped, because I was using my notebook at first, and I love to use my notebook, I’m a pen to paper person, but what would happen is when I would get inspired, my notebook wasn’t with me, and so for this activity, I needed to use the web-based tool.

Lesson #6

The other item that I learned in the last 90 days was to post at the same time. And every day, I tried to post between like, 5:00 and 7:00 in the morning. It was just consistency for me. It really helped me out because it also gave me time to comment throughout the day/

More importantly, it was more consistent for my audience on LinkedIn, so they knew when to expect the content. They came to expect it in the morning.

Now, did it happen every day? No. There were some days that I didn’t think of it or I ran out of time and I had to go do something for work so I would try to grab a few minutes at lunchtime or I would just wait ’til the end of the day and post it.

But I was darned if I was getting that out, so, posting at the same time of the day really, really helped. And then also, it was part of my routine, so it was easier for me to integrate into my system.

And some days, it would take me longer to post. You know, I think when I started, it might’ve taken me an hour.  And then, as the time went on, I figured out that pattern like I mentioned, getting the group topics or the material and sometimes I could do it in five to 10 minutes.

Lesson #7

My goal was really to strike engagement, understand what people wanted, and have those conversations around them and start to meet people, which is the last thing I have discovered in this 90-day journey.

To get more connected with my audience and people.  You have to genuinely care to do this, you just can’t do it to do it. These are some of what I discovered after posting for 90 days on LinkedIn, what about you?

Lesson #8

I am a naturally curious person and so it fits well in my personality. But somewhere along my journey in the past, I don’t know, five to 10 years, I’ve lost that curiosity for people and what makes them tick and what they’re excited about or just getting to meet people.

I was able to take the contacts that I met on LinkedIn and either has a conversation with them online or sometimes I took those conversations offline and just got to meet people.

And so, I’d been targeting meeting people … it took me a while. It didn’t start ’til the last month, but targeting to meet people for … on a phone call for 30 to 60 minutes, just depends.

Just to get to know them and it was really interesting to see how people were online and how that translated to their offline activity. But for me, just getting more connected with people was really helpful.

Those are the things that I learned in the last 90 days.

Lesson #9

What I also learned was how consistent I was over that 90 day period.  My stats for the 90 days. I didn’t quite start at the year-end. I actually started on January 8th.

And I went through the end of March and I missed one day in there. Monday through Friday, I missed one day.

Am I going to continue for another 90 days?

And am I going to continue that for another 90 days?

Yes. I decided near the end of the 90 days to do another round of 90.

I decided that I wanted to continue again and push myself for another 90 days to see what I would learn, see what else I can do and that is my journey.


Next Steps: What I Discovered AFTER Posting for 90 Days on LinkedIn

What are you going to push yourself through for the next 90 days? Or 30 days? I encourage you to take the challenge.

  1.  Commit to the challenge
  2. Find a group or accountability partner
  3. Search for a topic that you want to learn about or share. Maybe you just wanna learn how to be more creative and there’s a Facebook challenge in a group that’s coming up. Maybe you want to push yourself to walk a 5K, so find a support group in your area, like a MeetUp group.
  4. Figure out how that is going to tie into your core belief, your goals for the year, your theme, because that’s the only way that you can make it work. It’s gotta be deeply rooted in you in order for you to be successful, so find those groups out there and then link it to your why, your core being.


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To get the show notes for this episode, please go to http://kimdsnyder.com/010. Thank you for listening to this episode.

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