Here are the five myths debunked about female thought leadership.
Not only do the myths described below include fixes, I have also incorporated comments below from others leaders on LinkedIn.
Giving away your “information” will make you NOT NEEDED.
This will display the complexity of the subject and make you setting your apart as an expert, and making you more needed and valuable.
Here are quick ways to share YOUR 20+ years of experience and expertise:
– speeches
– books
– blog posts
– interviews
– videos
– consulting and advising
MYTH #1 COMMENTS from the LinkedIn Post:
Below are some comments by other female thought leaders (and men too) on experiences and discoveries of “giving it all away”.
“The more we share our experience, the more we increase our value.” ~Piccia
“I have discovered that knowing something is very different than doing it… people read/ understand intellectually things I am giving away, but they will still need my guidance to apply them. ~Marta
“To provide value to my audience and develop a relationship where they know, like and trust in my services.” ~Kimberly
“I give A LOT! I find that it shows my expertise and if you get all this for free imagine what you get when you pay! “ ~Judd
“Even if I gave everything away, it still wouldn’t be enough to solve all my clients’ complex and unique problems.” ~Kelley
“I give nearly everything away – it’s only going to be a mindset that gets the change and that only comes from working directly with me.” ~ Mark
MYTH #1 Questions:
What would you add?
What have you discovered “giving it all away”?
Giving away your “information” will make you LESS COMPETITIVE.
You are the source of the fresh ideas and solutions.
How do you show you are the right person?
- YOU show the value
- YOU are the go-to person
- YOU are the source
- And YOU will create and share more thought leadership
MYTH #2 COMMENTS on the LinkedIn post:
The comments below are some ways the five myths are debunked about female thought leadership.
“I firmly believe that sharing information is the best brand-building strategy.” ~Piccia
“I agree. Giving away the information is the way forward if you want to be the go-to person.” ~Mark
“Yeah, this myth is the complete opposite. By giving away cool ideas just shows people beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know what you’re talking about. You can be trusted. I mean, how else will you get people to listen to anything you have to say if you’re not providing proof that you’re an expert?” ~Stephanie
“I think it helps build up trust!” ~Martina
“I agree, sharing your knowledge with your audience to develop a greater relationship with them as they learn to trust in your abilities.” ~Kimberly
“I’ve been loving posting as a series and then turning them into eBooks, email series, and blog posts.” ~Kelley
“I give away almost everything. It is positioning when you are the leader. They pay for you, even if they have all the info. They need to feel confident, that is the magic.” ~Judd
MYTH #2 Questions:
Is this myth relevant to a job function? Or industry?
How do you share your tips, information or thought leadership?
The third 5 myths debunked for female thought leaders, is giving away your “information” will take you TOO MUCH TIME.
Create it once, share it multiple times.
Save time by looking at your daily activities and interactions to share:
- a 1-minute video sharing a common issue you heard in a client meeting
- a 7 line LinkedIn post on the industry trends you heard while attending an event
- a 90-second audio recording sharing one tip from the last presentation which you spoke
MYTH #3 COMMENTS from LinkedIn Post:
“Repurpose [your] stuff!! [It] turns into credibility, and over time you end up with a huge archive of amazing evergreen content.” ~Stephanie
“I’ve been liking creating smaller pieces of daily content that can be compiled later into larger formats. It feels much less overwhelming.” ~Kelly
“… it’s so true giving it away is easier than you think.” ~Judd
“Yes – 100% agree – repurpose and reuse.” ~Mark
“Yes, I like short tips too. Had they shared one per day, I’d look at it!” ~Elsewine
“Create once use many, love it” ~Kimberly
MYTH #3 Questions
What has been your best tip to save time to share your content – audio, video or written?
Giving away your “information” means it will not BE CONSUMED.
Share it in locations where you are already hanging out.
Share your information where people just like you need it and can consume it:
– Your blog
– LinkedIn post
– LinkedIn video
– Industry forum
– Professional association newsletter
MYTH #4 COMMENTS from LinkedIn Post:
“Really enjoy LinkedIn, though realize and know that ALL (appropriate) platforms need to be used.” ~Eric
“First choice is LinkedIn Pulse articles and posts. Videos will be coming this spring/summer.” ~Kimberly
“Content is everything this year. Content is king.” ~Mark
“I stick to the basics, my blog, LinkedIn text and video, FaceBook and YouTube.” ~Filip
MYTH #4 Questions
What are the best places you have found to share your information?
What is your favorite place to share your ideas and thought leadership?
Giving away your “information” will HURT YOUR INDUSTRY.
Sharing your information will ensure that all folks in the industry have the proper information to continue to be successful. This is the fifth myth debunked for female thought leaders.
Share your thought leadership with your industry members and shorten their learning curve.
Here are some ideas of who and what to share:
- someone that was in the previous positions you held
- a person who was where you were 10, 12, 15 years ago
- one that doesn’t have a reliable local resource
- another emplyee that doesn’t have access to evergreen information
MYTH #5 COMMENTS from LinkedIn Post:
“I have a lifetime of lessons learned, some have been more expensive than others but lessons learned none the less. My tip would be to ASK for help, seek a mentor or coach to help you achieve your purpose.” ~Kimberly
“A Lifetime of Lessons Learned: Yes. Too many to share, need to create a Top 10 List….” ~Eric
“My millions of mistakes are now gold to others!” ~Kelley
“Share your lessons learned and you can help someone to avoid the mistakes you made, and capitalize on your success. They get to know you and trust you and in the long run…” ~David
MYTH #5 Questions
What learning curves can you fast track?
Do you have lessons learned that would be valuable?
Five Myths Debunked About Female Thought Leadership
And those are the five myths debunked about female thought leadership.
Not sure how to start?
Just start sharing on LinkedIn for now. Then decide on your blog later. Take action and begin!
#Thoughtleader #Expertise #Memorable #Magnify #Matter #WIT #STEM